Monday, May 23, 2011

Doodling a crazy hobo

here's a doodle from my sketchbook, was workin on a crazy hobo theme for the monthly blog post but work got int the way of me finishing it (a good complaint).  but here's the doodle anyways, i was playing with the idea of one of those crunchy nut weirdos u see on the ads. this guy has just gotten so addicted to them he is now homeless, unshaven n unhealthy.

this is Eric. Eric was once a really successful business man, but now Eric has lost everything and has actually sold the shirt of his back just to get his hands on a box of crunchy nut corn flakes.  he is now the worst kind of junkie... a crunchy nut, poor Eric

1 comment:

Bennessy said...

Thanks a mill Dave!