Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Mix media & a new studio space

 I've been 'Kinging' it with the mixed media lately.

Above is a man named Eric.  Eric used to live the high-life. Never paid taxes, he was a wealthy and dangerous man, he had money to blow on mansions and fancy cars.  Then one day he was taking a stroll through Stephens Green shopping centre and suddenly Eric was bursting for a piss.  So he ran up to the front of the que to use the toilets and he refused to pay to get in, ( I hear yeh buddy)so he barged right into the toilets and got a stall.  The attendant then rang the Gards who were only looking for an excuse to catch Eric as Eric had avoided them for years.  Eric was then caught with his pants down.

Eric was drawn on a crunched up bit of yellow A4 paper, and drawn with (anything I had lying around) a couple of black markers, coloring pencils and the white was drawn with a tippex mouse, the eyes tinted with a paint pen.  it was a good bit o fun!

Here's my pumpkin this year, not as good as the Gears of War, one i did last year, maybe as good as the Jack Skellington one i did the year before that, nonetheless i decided to post it up.  Its Sally from the nightmare b4 christmas, ( or atleast its meant to be). Must give props to the internet for the design.

And... Here's my new Home studio.

 Here's the lot, new desk, new chair, lots o space, its the business

 Still using some traditional media, n if u look closely u can see my herobear coaster and  books im referencing at the mo.  I think I have actually had that animation disc for 7 years now, its a trooper.
And here's my bread and butter, Laptop, a simple but brilliant Dell Precision with L intuos 4 wacom tablet. Should have a nice big Imac soon for working at home.The wire from my iphone hanging from the laptop there as i was using the iphone to take the photo. My handy Epson printer that never seems to have ink on the right.

 And right at the side here is my big telly that I can now hook up to my laptop and draw from. hmmm on 2nd thoughts prob would have been a better idea to show me using it, ah ill do it another time.

apologies for the shody photo's all were taken using my iphone and my shakey hands.  I'm gonna hav a few more posts soon ( b4 the end of the month), all will be digital pieces.
